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At, we sell high-quality mortar for your construction projects. Mortar is a mix of sand and a binder (lime), and it’s used for various purposes, such as plastering or repairing masonry. Mortar comes in two types: bedding mortar and finishing mortar.

  • Bedding mortar is made from washed sand with coarse grains (0-4 mm) and is typically used for bricklaying due to its exceptional strength.
  • Finishing mortar, made from fine beach sand, is typically used for plastering as it provides a smoother surface. Due to its finer texture, finishing mortar has a richer, softer consistency.

Our mortar contains 6.6% lime. Before use, you can mix in cement in the appropriate amount. Cement can also be purchased from us along with the ordered mortar, ensuring everything arrives at the same time.

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What is Mortar?

Lime mortar has been used for thousands of years, benefiting historic buildings with its excellent properties. It can last for an incredibly long time and is widely used even today, thousands of years later. Burnt lime acts as the binding agent, and it's purely chemical in nature that it works as it does. The hardening of mortar, making it strong and effective, is a result of water and CO2 interacting with the lime.

How to Mix Mortar

For the lime mortar we sell, you need to mix in cement and water before use. Proper mixing is essential, so we recommend using a mixing machine or cement mixer for the job. These can usually be rented at an affordable rate.

Begin by adding a small amount of water to the mixer. Then add the mortar and cement, allowing them to mix well before use. As a rule of thumb, use 1 part cement to 8 parts mortar, though some cases may require more or less. Add water gradually until you reach a consistency that is neither too thick nor too thin. If you’re new to this, add water in small amounts until you’re satisfied with the result.

How Mortar is Delivered

At, we deliver mortar in bigbags, and you can choose from five different sizes/compositions. We deliver throughout Denmark, and to make it as convenient as possible, you can opt for delivery with either a forklift or a crane.

Forklift Delivery

If your mortar is needed in a summerhouse area, an allotment, or on a narrow property, it may be challenging for a large truck to deliver directly. A forklift can often bring the mortar directly into your driveway, reducing heavy lifting and helping you finish your project more quickly. A forklift can easily drive on gravel surfaces, and with a width of only 2.5 meters and the ability to maneuver in tight spaces, it provides extensive access where a larger vehicle might not reach.

Crane Delivery

If your mortar needs to be lifted over a hedge, you should choose our crane delivery option. A crane can reach up to 7 meters to lift your mortar over a hedge or fence, placing it in the most convenient spot for you. Crane delivery is also an option for placing the bigbag on paved areas where the weight of our trucks might be too heavy.

Read all about our delivery methods here

Hvad for forskellen på bakkemørtel og strandmørtel?
Bakkemørtel fremstilles af grovere sand en strandmørtel. Derfor er bakkemørtel velegnet som bindemiddel mellem f.eks. mursten, og strandmørtel egner sig bedst til pudseopgaver, da det giver en pænere overflade.
Hvor meget cement skal der blandes i mørtel?
En tommelfingerregel siger 1 del cement til 8 dele mørtel (1:8). Der kan dog være tilfælde hvor forholdet skal være anderledes.
Kan mørtel tåle frost?
Nej - mørtel kan ikke tåle frost.
Kan mørtel blive for gammelt?
Ja - Hvis mørtel står for længe kan det godt udtørre og blive for gammelt.
Hvad vejer mørtel?
100 liter mørtel vejer 170 kg.