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Grey Granite Chippings

Grey granite chippings come in 4 different sizes, each with its own unique look. The grey chipping is an all-round stone type, as the grey color complements most other colors well. Grey granite chippings have a fantastic play of colors, and unlike other available colors, the lighter shade allows the natural hues to shine through. You will see shades of pink and white in the stones, and in dry weather, they almost appear to sparkle. A truly beautiful granite chipping, which is very popular.

Read about the different variants below. Here, you can watch videos and read about the specific sizes, as well as our recommendations for your project.

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How to Choose the Right Size Grey Granite Chippings

Grey granite chippings are available in 4 different sizes, and it can be difficult to determine which size suits your needs. In many cases, it comes down to personal preference, but here are some general guidelines to help you make the right choice:

Delivery of Grey Granite Chippings

Granite chippings are heavy, so it’s important to have the product placed where you need it or as close as possible. We have some of the country’s most skilled drivers delivering our Maxibags, providing exceptional service to thousands of customers each year. It means a lot to us to help you as best as possible and offer various delivery options, both in terms of the equipment used and the speed of delivery you desire.

We offer three different delivery methods.

Standard Delivery

Our standard delivery, also called "curbside/driveway," is the option to choose if you'd like your Maxibag placed on the road, at the curb, on the pavement, or just a meter into your driveway. This free delivery method is recommended if you do not need the product placed further in. We advise you to provide a description of where you would like the product placed in your order so the driver has clear instructions to follow.

Delivery with Mobile Forklift

This delivery option is ideal if you need your Maxibag delivered using a self-driving forklift with pneumatic wheels. Our driver will arrive with a truck that has this special forklift mounted on the back. The driver can detach the forklift from the truck and drive the product to your desired location. This forklift can operate on all solid surfaces such as stones, gravel, dry grass, asphalt, and gravel roads. It is also used for deliveries in many garden allotments, where conditions may be difficult for larger trucks.

Our forklifts are approximately 2.5 meters wide and 2.8 meters high. We prefer to avoid driving on paving slabs, as the heavy weight can easily cause damage. The same applies to grassy areas and other delicate surfaces.

Delivery with Crane

This delivery method is suitable if you need your Maxibag with granite chippings placed over a fence or hedge, or if the product needs to be lifted over something into, for example, your garden. The driver will arrive with a truck equipped with a crane and place the product where you need it.

Our crane trucks can extend up to 7 meters away from the truck.

Learn more about our delivery types here

Offers on Grey Granite Chippings

If you need more chippings, you will automatically receive a quantity discount as soon as you purchase more than one Maxibag from us. This applies across all our products. The more you buy, the bigger the discount. So, you can quickly save a lot of money by combining your garden purchases with us.

You can learn more about our quantity discounts here