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Potato Soil (1000 liters)

1,295.00 kr.

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Potato Soil (1000 liters / 1 m³)

Approved for Organic Farming

At Maxibag, we offer high-quality potato soil specifically developed to ensure optimal growing conditions for your potato plants. Our potato soil consists of a carefully composed blend of topsoil, sharp sand, natural peat, and organic soil conditioner, creating a light and well-drained soil structure. This provides potatoes with the ideal conditions to develop and grow healthily and quickly.

It is important that potato soil is rich in natural nitrogen and potassium, as potatoes are nutrient-demanding vegetables that require these inputs. We have added and analyzed these in our potato soil.

Benefits of Our Potato Soil

  • Good Drainage: Ensures that the roots do not sit in water, preventing rot and promoting healthy root development.
  • Nutrient-Rich: Our potato soil is packed with the essential nutrients that give the plants the best start and ensure a good harvest.
  • Airy Structure: The light soil structure allows the potato tubers to grow freely without resistance, resulting in larger and tastier potatoes.
  • Easy to Work With: Our potato soil is easy to handle, making it simple to distribute in your vegetable garden or potato bed.

Order Your Potato Soil in Convenient Big Bags

At Maxibag, you can order our potato soil in large, convenient Big Bags/Maxibags, delivered directly to your address. This makes it easy for you to start growing your own delicious and crispy potatoes at home.

We offer potato soil in the following sizes

Flexible Delivery – Choose the Option That Best Suits You

At Maxibag, we offer flexible delivery options so you can choose the solution that best fits your needs and project. Whether you live in the city or the countryside, we have a delivery method that makes it easy and convenient for you to get your Big Bags delivered exactly where you want them. We offer three types of delivery:

  1. Sidewalk/Driveway Delivery

    This delivery option is ideal for those who want a simple and quick delivery. We place your Maxibags securely on the sidewalk or at the start of the driveway. This type of delivery is always included in the price, with no additional fees.

  2. Truck Delivery

    With truck delivery, we can place your Big Bags exactly where you want them on your property. Our truck is equipped with a forklift, which can move your Maxibags around, even in areas with narrow driveways or limited space. This method ensures precise placement, so you can start your project without hassle.

    Please note that our trucks require 2.5 meters of width and a sturdy surface capable of handling heavy weight.

  3. Crane Delivery

    Do your Maxibags need to be lifted over a fence or hedge? Then crane delivery is the right solution. With our crane, we can lift a Big Bag directly into your garden, backyard, or another hard-to-reach area, making delivery possible to locations that are otherwise difficult to access.

    The crane trucks can lift a Big Bag 7-8 meters away from the truck.

See everything about our delivery methods on this page

Hvorfor mugner plantejord?
Plantejord mugner decideret ikke, men det er vigtigt at jordforbedre eksisterende plantejorde hvert 2-3 år.
Hvad vejer 40 liter plantejord?
40 liter plantejord vejer ca. 60 kilo alt afhængig af selve fugtindholdet i jorden
Hvilken jord er bedst at plante i?
Det er altid bedst at plante i en næringsholdig jordtype, hvor du kan opretholde den korrekte proces i forhold til humus og naturlig næring i jorden til gavn for dine planter.
Der er svampe i jordforbedringen. Er det en fejl?
Nej bestemt ikke. Svampene er et tegn på en sund jordforbedring, og gør ingen skade. Det forsvinder af sig selv, så lad dem endelig være. De er af familien "Glanshat".