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Raised Bed Soil (1500 liters)

1,475.00 kr.

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Soil for Raised Beds (1500 liters / 1,5 m³)

Approved for Organic Farming

Always fast processing & delivery.

Always free shipping

Raised bed soil in 1000 liter (1 m³) maxi bags. (Other sizes of maxi bags with raised bed soil can be selected above under the "Desired Quantity" tab)

Grobund™ Raised Bed Soil

Grobund™ raised bed soil is the best product for your raised bed. Grobund™ raised bed soil stands out from other products because it incorporates the best Danish soil conditioners. And these soil conditioners in Grobund™ raised bed soil are exclusively natural products.

  1. Grobund™ raised bed soil contains moler clay, produced on the island of Mors, which is a unique product made from the internationally renowned moler clay. This soil has the fantastic ability to absorb and store water and fertilizer. In this way, plants can draw nutrients from the soil as needed. The moler clay in Grobund™ raised bed soil also provides a lovely structure, preventing the soil from becoming heavy and sticky.
  2. Grobund™ raised bed soil contains healthy Danish screened topsoil from the East Jutland region.
  3. Grobund™ raised bed soil contains a natural soil conditioner (mushroom compost) from Funen. This soil conditioner is packed with natural fertilizer, as mushroom compost is composted horse manure enriched with unique nutrients that provide an excellent foundation for plants.
  4. Grobund™ raised bed soil contains sharp sand from Central Jutland and natural fertilizer, which is a mix of animal manure and pureed straw.
    Grobund™ raised bed soil is the best product you can offer your plants, providing an excellent foundation for beautiful vegetables and plants.

Our raised bed soil is 100% slug-free.

Raised Bed Soil – What Plants?

Raised bed soil can be used for almost all types of plants and vegetables. It is rich in nutrients and provides an ideal environment where plants thrive. You can either sow seeds of various flowers/vegetables directly in this soil, or plant pre-sprouted or mature plants directly into it. This soil is pre-mixed with a carefully measured blend. For plants that require very acidic soil with a low pH, we recommend using peat, as it has a low pH. For growing tomato plants, we suggest using our greenhouse soil.

Raised Bed Soil – How Much?

We usually recommend that our customers use a minimum of 25 cm of this soil in their raised beds. It is important for the plant roots to have enough room to grow downwards, so a thick layer of soil is beneficial. Of course, using more than 25 cm is ideal, but we recommend this as the minimum. If you have very large plants with more demanding root systems, you'll need more than 25 cm, as some plants' roots grow deeper than that. It’s important to know the plant you're growing and research how deep its root system is. The roots should ideally be within the raised bed soil to absorb the nutrients the plant needs.

Difference Between Topsoil and Raised Bed Soil

Both soils are excellent for planting and working with. The major difference between these soil types is that raised bed soil is designed to retain water better. Raised beds tend to dry out faster than traditional beds, so they require a soil that holds moisture more effectively. We've designed this soil to create a moisture reservoir, allowing your plants to absorb both moisture and nutrients as needed. This is crucial to achieving optimal conditions for your plants.

Raised Bed Soil Big Bag and Delivery

We always deliver our raised bed soil in big bags/maxi bags in various sizes. We offer bags ranging from 1000 liters to 1700 liters, and you are free to choose the size that best suits your needs. It's very practical to have the soil delivered in these maxi bags, as the soil is contained in a bag that you can access over time as needed. We always place it neatly where you want, so it's not in the way for you or others. It's important to position the bag as close as possible to where you will be using the soil. That’s why we offer different delivery options, allowing you to choose the delivery solution that suits you best. Here's an overview of the delivery options.

Curbside/Driveway Delivery

This option is ideal if the bag can be placed by the roadside, on the sidewalk, or just a meter into your driveway. Our skilled drivers will place it within this area as you request, and you can simply leave instructions in your order about where the driver should place the bag. This way, you don’t need to be home to supervise the delivery.

Delivery with Mobile Forklift

This option is great if you need the raised bed soil transported down a gravel road, into an allotment garden, into a driveway with gravel or stones, or onto grass during dry periods. It's a self-propelled forklift with air-filled tires that the driver brings to you and uses for unloading. We’ve received a lot of praise for this delivery method because it works well in many situations.

Crane Delivery

This method is perfect if you need the bag placed over something, such as a fence, a hedge (even a tall one), or other obstacles. The driver arrives with a truck equipped with a crane, and they unload the bag according to your instructions. Typically, the crane can place the bag about 7-9 meters away from the truck.

See everything about our delivery methods on this page

Raised Bed Soil is Delivered in the Following Sizes

Raised Bed Soil Offers and Prices

We offer raised bed soil of the highest quality at an affordable price. It's important to us to deliver perfect quality to ensure your planting success. If you need multiple big bags/maxi bags, feel free to contact us for a special offer. We always guarantee a great deal.

Hvorfor mugner plantejord?
Plantejord mugner decideret ikke, men det er vigtigt at jordforbedre eksisterende plantejorde hvert 2-3 år.
Hvad vejer 40 liter plantejord?
40 liter plantejord vejer ca. 60 kilo alt afhængig af selve fugtindholdet i jorden
Hvilken jord er bedst at plante i?
Det er altid bedst at plante i en næringsholdig jordtype, hvor du kan opretholde den korrekte proces i forhold til humus og naturlig næring i jorden til gavn for dine planter.
Der er svampe i jordforbedringen. Er det en fejl?
Nej bestemt ikke. Svampene er et tegn på en sund jordforbedring, og gør ingen skade. Det forsvinder af sig selv, så lad dem endelig være. De er af familien "Glanshat".