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Rose Soil (3000 liters)

2,050.00 kr.

In stock - ready to ship

Delivery throughout Denmark with fixed bridge connections


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Soil for Roses (3000 liters / 3 m³)

Approved for Organic Farming

Grobund™ Rose Soil is the perfect type of soil for planting or replenishing roses. Grobund™ Rose Soil is a completely natural plant soil, made with only the finest Danish raw materials. With our rose soil, you get a glimpse into the professional plant world, where only the perfect result is acceptable. The following ingredients are mixed into Grobund™ Rose Soil:

  • Grobund™ soil conditioner (mushroom compost) that enriches the soil with outstanding nutrients. This soil conditioner from northern Funen is composted horse manure enhanced with numerous valuable elements.
  • Moler clay to provide optimal moisture retention in the soil.

Grobund™ Rose Soil is the right product if you want the best for your roses.

What sizes of Maxibags are available for rose soil delivery?

We deliver rose soil in loose Maxibags, not on compressed pallets as most suppliers offer. This way, we offer a different quality that has not been compressed and packed for months, retaining its full quality.

We offer Grobund™ Rose Soil in the following 5 Maxibag sizes:

If you require a larger quantity of rose soil, you can combine different Maxibags and sizes to suit your exact needs.

You can choose 1 Maxibag with 4000 liters (4 m³) of rose soil and add it to your cart, and then choose 1 Maxibag with 2000 liters (2 m³) of rose soil. This way, you'll receive a total of 6000 liters (6 m³) of rose soil in 2 Maxibags. You can combine as needed to match the amount required for your project.

How we deliver rose soil

When you enter your postal code on this page, you'll be able to select from various delivery methods that make the work easier and save you a lot of extra effort. We offer these extra services throughout Denmark where there is a fixed bridge connection, and often you can also choose express delivery.

Curbside/Driveway Delivery

This is our standard delivery method, which is always included in the price. It is usually the quickest delivery option, and the driver will place your Maxibag at the start of your driveway or on the curb. You can specify in the comments field, which appears later, exactly where you'd like it placed.

Truck Delivery

Our delivery trucks are quite large, which can make access difficult in areas with narrow roads, such as summerhouse areas and garden allotments. Here, truck delivery is the ideal solution. The truck can drive on most surfaces, as long as there is 2.5 meters in width.
However, note that the truck is heavy and can damage delicate paving stones.

Crane Delivery

Rose soil is often needed in the garden, where access can be challenging. Therefore, crane delivery may be the best solution for you. The crane truck can lift your Maxibag 7-8 meters from the truck and place it in your garden, over a hedge or fence. This can save you many trips with a wheelbarrow.

See everything about our delivery methods on this page

Hvorfor mugner plantejord?
Plantejord mugner decideret ikke, men det er vigtigt at jordforbedre eksisterende plantejorde hvert 2-3 år.
Hvad vejer 40 liter plantejord?
40 liter plantejord vejer ca. 60 kilo alt afhængig af selve fugtindholdet i jorden
Hvilken jord er bedst at plante i?
Det er altid bedst at plante i en næringsholdig jordtype, hvor du kan opretholde den korrekte proces i forhold til humus og naturlig næring i jorden til gavn for dine planter.
Der er svampe i jordforbedringen. Er det en fejl?
Nej bestemt ikke. Svampene er et tegn på en sund jordforbedring, og gør ingen skade. Det forsvinder af sig selv, så lad dem endelig være. De er af familien "Glanshat".