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Top Dress (1200 liters)

1,495.00 kr.

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Delivery throughout Denmark with fixed bridge connections


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Top Dress - Soil for Lawns (1200 liters / 1,2 m³)

Approved for Organic Farming

Who doesn't dream of a beautiful green lawn? Every house has a lawn—an area where we gather, grill, play football, have fun, and enjoy each other's company. We all want the lawn to look sharp and be even so we can enjoy spring and summer without worrying too much about weeds and holes in the grass.
Whether you're establishing a new lawn or repairing an existing one, our top dress is the perfect choice. It provides the ideal mix of screened topsoil, washed sand, and a natural fertilizer (soil conditioner) that creates the absolute best conditions. All products are from the Grobund™ series and meet strict quality standards. Therefore, this mixture is approved for organic cultivation.

The Right Mix for the Best Drainage

Good drainage is incredibly important for your lawn. Otherwise, holes and unevenness will quickly appear—especially after a wet season. The screened topsoil contains small stones, which, together with the washed sand, ensures proper drainage. This allows water to quickly move away from the surface, preventing waterlogged areas that cause these problems.
If you have clay soil beneath the top dress layer, there are limits to how much water can be absorbed. In this case, it's advisable to apply a slightly thicker layer. Alternatively, when unevenness arises, you can periodically apply a thin layer to address the issues.

High-Quality Grass Seed

Grass seeds come in various qualities, and a mixture of good quality is crucial for the final result. The chances of a successful outcome significantly improve if you choose high-quality grass, and it’s never worth skimping in this area. In the worst-case scenario, you may end up wasting your efforts if you have to reseed the lawn. Along with our top dress, you can purchase PrimeGarden grass seeds, which are of the highest quality. Here, you are assured of getting the best possible result.

How to Create a Lawn

Start by preparing the underlying soil as well as you can. Remove weeds, stones, and other unwanted materials. Use top dress as an extra layer/leveling layer if necessary. If you choose to use the existing soil, you can mix in soil conditioner and washed sand to provide good nutrients and proper drainage.
Ensure that the area is as level as possible and well compressed so that air is pressed out of the top layer. This can be done with a water roller. If you do not have access to machinery, you can drag a pallet over the area. This will minimize larger unevenness. When rolling the area, the small stones will be pressed into the soil and will not become a problem later on.

Lightly rake the top layer so that the grass seeds have something to anchor themselves in. Evenly sprinkle the grass seeds over the entire area, ideally at a time when the sun is not scorching the seeds. It is advantageous to sow grass in the spring or fall—but not during frost or intense heat.

Delivery of Top dress - Soil for Lawns

At Maxibag, we prioritize ensuring that you receive delivery in the way that is absolutely best for you. Therefore, we have developed a transportation system that allows you to choose exactly the delivery method that suits you best. It is important that you have the maxi bag placed as conveniently as possible, both in terms of having it delivered as close to where you will use it as possible and ensuring it doesn’t obstruct your way if you don’t use it all at once.

You can choose from the following three delivery methods:

Curbs / Driveway Delivery

With this delivery method, you will receive the product either at the curb or on your sidewalk. The transporter can also place the item about a meter inside your driveway if you wish. Please provide a clear description in your order of where you would like your maxi bag delivered. This makes it easy for our drivers to place the item perfectly for you, so you don’t need to be home at the time of delivery.

Delivery with Mobile Forklift

This delivery method is very popular with our customers. The driver brings a special truck with air-filled wheels that can go many places. It can operate on gravel, stones, and dirt roads, both at your private address and in allotment gardens. This is especially a great solution in holiday home areas with narrow roads.

The truck is approximately 2.5 meters wide and 2.8 meters high.

Delivery with Crane

This delivery method is appropriate if you need the product placed over a hedge or fence. Here, the driver brings a truck with a crane that can lift your big bag of top dress and place it where you want.

Our crane trucks can reach your maxi bag approximately 7 meters away from the truck.

In the delivery options tab, you can enter your postal code to see your delivery options.

See everything about our delivery methods on this page

Top dress is available in the following sizes

Hvorfor mugner plantejord?
Plantejord mugner decideret ikke, men det er vigtigt at jordforbedre eksisterende plantejorde hvert 2-3 år.
Hvad vejer 40 liter plantejord?
40 liter plantejord vejer ca. 60 kilo alt afhængig af selve fugtindholdet i jorden
Hvilken jord er bedst at plante i?
Det er altid bedst at plante i en næringsholdig jordtype, hvor du kan opretholde den korrekte proces i forhold til humus og naturlig næring i jorden til gavn for dine planter.
Der er svampe i jordforbedringen. Er det en fejl?
Nej bestemt ikke. Svampene er et tegn på en sund jordforbedring, og gør ingen skade. Det forsvinder af sig selv, så lad dem endelig være. De er af familien "Glanshat".